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contest Vote! Ramen Throwdown

Who transformed instant ramen, with seasoning, into the most interesting meal?

  • buddy - [url="http://thehotpepper.com/topic/29642-begin-the-ramen-throwdown/page__st__200#entry

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The Hot Pepper

Who transformed instant ramen, with seasoning, into the most interesting meal? Please vote!
I'll be the first to bite!

muskymojo - Took a classic dish, chicken fried steak, and at the end, it still looked like the classic dish! No sign of ramen, and you used ramen and/or seasoning in every part! Even the sides.

That CFS looks absolutely out of this world! And it was ramen flour and chicken flavor seasoning (brilliant haha, for that "chicken fried" flavor) throughout. You even dared use a different cut of meat and it still looked traditional. That is one unique CFS.

Put that in front of me and tell me you used chicken ramen in every part and I say hell no! Great job.

P.K. and Sum, my runners up.

gemme, looked delish, and nice cocktail!

Nice job everyone! You rose to the challenge. There are many others I'd dig on. But you know how this works!
It took me some time to swim through all these noodle entries....the creativity was flowing! A few of them tripped me up!
Time to paddle back and take another lookie...
Wow, thanks boss! I wasn't expecting any votes after seeing all these awesome entries.

It was a tough choice, but I had to go with the tamales. Very creative idea, and they turned out great. Nice work Sum!
Don't underestimate the power of CFS! :lol:

A roux from ramen "flour" with chicken "stock" from the chicken packet!?? Holy gravy!
I've just realized how horrible my plating pic of the main course/dessert is.....it was 1:30am and 12hrs later. I was so tired. lol

Good job everyone, I love these TD's. Next time I will have to make sure the plating pics are mastered.
Speaking of, xcsports, I would work on composition and/or upgrade camera, I can't tell what that is. A pie sounds good but it does not look like one from those pics.
Our pics aren't the best either we don't have internet except for our phones so all our pics are Droid camera phone pics. And all our posts are through mobile internet. Sometimes I can borrow my moms computer but its a pain. Anyway hopefully someday we can get the real thing again.
Again sorry about the pics my iPod is the only cam I have you might see them better if you look at my photobucket account but my iPod is my only cam for awhile

Very hard to pic with all these great entrees you guys did awesome cant wait til next month
GAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWDDDD...I keep coming back to this. I'm having naughty thoughts about it...

A lot of good stuff, I really like the creativity for all the desserts, also like all the sushi but HH81’s plating was beautiful.
Sum, your tamales very authentic looking, if I didn’t know better I’d say there wasn’t any Ramen in there at all, way to go.
Muskymojo, very nice and appetizing, while still being traditional, and as with Sum, can’t tell that there is Ramen in there at all.
CJ, your Swedish Ramen Voodoo, it took me back, it just looked my mom’s Halupki, very appetizing to me. Thanks for stirring up some good old memories.
Geeme, I want to vote for you for the name alone, “Ramen Research” lol, but loved the final plating very colorful and with all those textures and flavors it had to be delicious.
A lot of hard work and though went into all the entries, I’m still undecided, I’m gonna go back thru again.
LB thanks, and if you want I’ll give you that recipe, it’s a basic sweet Asian recipe that can be turned into Orange chicken, General Tso and the like.
JayT - Last Active Yesterday, 04:38 PM

Just received a strange call:

"You are receiving a call from an inmate in a correctional facility."

"Yo, this is JT. I'm stuck in here doin' research. Did I miss the deadline? Oh by the way, the J now stands for Jane."

"I'm sorry JaneT, but not only did you miss the deadline, but gnarlyeggs posted a prison burrito."



I suspected the votes would be all over the board for this one, and am not surprised to see it warming up that way!
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